Sunday, February 8, 2015

New Jobs In Social Media Era

Hello blogger friends, welcome back with me in the newest article of my blog and little bit complicated hahaha. Early new days, I confused to find right article to show in to the public. I was trying to analyze the social environment. Finally I got idea to write my opinion about new jobs in technology era especially in Indonesian. All of new jobs are showed to public because increasing of electronic gadget like tablet, notebook, Smartphone in Indonesian market and support by many things like trend of new styles, the network that spread out in to small village, affordable prize. Those phenomena create new jobs for those people who be creative to create the job use this technology. 

Part time jobs that related to the inflation of technology are coming up in to social like selling their own product via online, become reseller person, become pulsa agency, offer services, selling their second electronic or something else and many other creative ways that start used technology networking to selling their products with smartly promote. This effort can make fresh money to seller. Myself as a maniac of technology is feeling less creative than my friends who started business from small until they get high level of job. Honestly, I was people who very hard to create a chance or look a chance. I wasn’t wise if used the technology. I only used the technology for happy, for seek a funniest things, film, mp3. I am suck. Many times I wasted to search such as things above. Sometimes I was feeling jealous with my friends who start the business from social media. They look happy with their salary. Oh God… when my turn ? I just stare them ?  

For my brothers and sisters who reading this article, obviously, still many chance to make some cash. Here, I shared with yours, some part time jobs for all of you. You should try it. 

Write, many benefits we got from this activity. First we can training our brain, second we can shared some knowledge or just opinion and exactly very useful to other people, third we can shared our perception and that very important All of our ideas can be post but don’t break the law of technology information (UUITE in Indonesia law). Are you know ?. write can make some cash ?. if you have been writer on the blog or web and you put advertisement on your blog you got money in your hand. If you are interest with this jobs. Please googling for next information.

Selling second products like second smartphone, tv, modem, tablet, pc, or something. On era of technology we can connect with easily. Even we can connect with others person in different continent. That facilities make seller easier to sell their second products used social media like, even the specific website seller like,, for instance, we use we can easy to met other people and of course the products we sell can sold in right price, neither too expensive or cheap .

Selling their own products via online. Latest days many agency of creative product use websites to increase sold product. They use website to promote new style and fresh design of product their selling, they update products, every weeks show new product that can influence the people to buying. And they use many strategy such as free delivery, buying two get three, buying dozens of product get discount and still many creative thinking from seller.

Become reseller, of course all of you know what reseller is. This jobs needed by many human. That can proven by early times, many my friend in BBM, Facebook, Twitter, and others social media who promote cosmetic things, clothes, accessories, etc. in fact, become reseller is more safety than other part jobs. Because what ? because we didn’t need to buy product, we just use our skill to attract buyer to buying my own offer product. At least, we got 5% until 50% benefit each product.

Offer our services, if you have hobby or skill from specific things, we can make some cash. You don’t believe ? . you must believe. I take an example, this is from my close friend part time job. One day she was happy with take a photo in everywhere, take selfy, take every photo and she didn’t just upload her photo to social media but she edited the photo first. And this efforts to attract people in internet and it works. She is aware about her skill photo editing and the create service in photo editor and she promote use social media and in the result she got dollars. Awesome right

That’s it couple of part time jobs can you try. Honestly, if we think deeply, still many chance to make your own cash with your creativity of course. So get the creative hang on your mind and without the creativity you do not success. I hope you chose the job from your pleasure even though your salary is limited but, if you work with your heart you got satisfied in your life, that’s is wonderful guys. We will be met in next article, see yaa
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