Hai all my friend on the internet :D . welcome back on my blog key-techno.blogspot.com. today I am sitting in front of my notebook and want to share my experience about life. Yesterday, I was confused. I haven’t any idea to write on my blog. I was thinking deeply and seriously but I still didn’t know, what should I write? I was searching in real life, take a look around my world, hang up with my friend to find inspirations and still not know what I have to write. Couple of days later, when I was praying to God, I found the idea. Suddenly the idea was arisen in my mind. I must write down my feeling. Yaa, my feeling about anxiety disorder. I always afraid to go new place. I was feeling insecure when I would go to another area. E.g. if I and my friends want to the beach with bicycles, I worried about accident, worried about (Begal) someone who rob your bicycle every times, all things I worried about.
I amazed of the idea often appear while I was praying to God. I don’t know why?. My friend, he was Muslim talked to me when I given him that question. He answered, because when someone was praying to God, they felt relax, peace and fresh and our brain accustomed to process or find out ideas if we in that conditions, so that ideas often happen when we were praying to God. Back to the topic guys, are you just like me? Be afraid to go something new ? if the answer is yes. Of course you got anxiety disorder. Many person in this world got anxiety disorder. Especially the people who lived in development country or the country that appears many crime and violence because in that country levels of depressed people are increase all the time and caused mental of human getting down. So we got anxiety disorder.